
A global original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of replacement automotive mirrors was experiencing a decreasing online footprint. The client initiated a site redesign that brought with it additional content, pages, and products. Prior to launch, BlackTruck Media + Marketing worked with the client to ensure the new site was deployed with the proper technical on-page SEO strategy that could scale and grow their business in a competitive market.

Goals & Objectives

The client’s objectives were to increase visibility in organic search, increase brand awareness when people search for key industry phrases, and increase organic traffic to the site from non-branded keywords.

Stats & Figures

  • 23% growth in organic traffic within 60 days, with sustained growth by 30% year-over-year.
  • Top SERP rankings for an industry term targeted for a newly-released product.
  • Page one SERP results for a high-value keyword phrase for the client’s line of products, which they had not ranked for prior to the site relaunch.

Strategic Approach

Analysis of the legacy site found that many pages were not indexable by search engines, and many URLs needed to be restructured and optimized. Along with addressing those issues, BlackTruck built a technical on-page strategy targeting key phrases that were either hypercompetitive or core to the client’s business and industry, and for which the client’s legacy site had not been ranking. Rather than focusing strictly on industry nomenclature, we also incorporated key words and phrases that matched the intent of the searcher. These intent-focused phrases and important industry terms were incorporated into page metadata and content throughout the site.


Through an intensive strategic shift in the site’s keyword direction, and correction of technical on-page roadblocks, BlackTruck helped position the client as a leader for non-branded search queries, with page one rankings they maintain to this day.

BlackTruck was brought in at the ground level of planning for the new site. Working closely with the client, we were not only able to identify those high-value phrases, but ensure the site was built in a search-friendly manner that took into account the user, their intent, and why they might be looking for a solution. The design and SEO teams worked together for maximum impact on search and user interaction, showing the value in SEO being at the core of every new site build.

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