
When a global pharmaceutical company’s go-to-market strategy for a new product hinged on the success of their online marketing campaigns, BlackTruck was brought in to manage paid-search efforts. Some of the strictest policies have been put in place for the pharmaceutical and supplement verticals within major search and display networks. Understanding and navigating those policies to maximize the efforts and ad dollars spent by the client are key.

Goals & Objectives

Given the nature of the industry and launch of a new product, the client’s primary goals were to generate brand lift throughout the United States by focusing on driving “new” engaged users to the site. In addition to increasing the number of promotional downloads for in-store, offline redemption by new customers.

Stats & Figures

  • Paid-search and display campaigns accounted for 91% of traffic to the client’s website.
  • 86% of all paid-search and display visits were new visitors.
  • Paid-search accounted for 60% of promotional coupons downloaded for redemption.
  • Exceeded the industry standard CTR (0.12%) by maintaining an average CTR of 1% or more for the campaign duration.

Strategic Approach

Understanding the challenges presented to pharmaceutical companies looking toward PPC ads as a means to generate brand awareness, BlackTruck developed a strategy to assist the client in navigating the strict policies put in place.
Utilizing a combination of paid-search and display advertising, backed with detailed site analytics and user behavior, our team put the strategy in motion which resulted in exceeding the client’s desired objectives. Over the course of the 12-month engagement, individual campaigns were created and continuously refined to meet the goals of each target audience.


PPC Case Study for Pharmaceutical Industry

Given the challenges of policies placed on the nutritional and pharmaceutical industry by major search and display channels, limiting the number of ad impressions is not out of the question. In a nationwide brand rollout campaign, “throttling” of such campaigns must be addressed immediately to curb any negative impact it might have on the campaigns.

In doing so, our team was able to hone in on key times to maximize ad delivery for the client’s target audience, exceeding the industry standard (0.12%) by maintaining an average 1% for the duration of the campaign. Overall strategies provided the client with brand lift necessary to generate additional interest in major retail chains across the country, while developing household brand recognition to consumers in a highly competitive market.

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