In Episode 75 of The Redirect Podcast, we’re joined by Mordy Oberstein, Head of SEO Product at WIX, a leading content management system and website building tool. A well-known figure in the SEO community, hosting the SERPs Up Podcast and participating in many conversations around the world In this episode, we dive into the intersection of SEO and brand marketing, and explore how these disciplines can work together to enhance online visibility and brand perception. Give it a listen below or read the show notes for actionable steps!

Understanding the Convergence

SEO and Brand Marketing

Mordy kicked off our discussion by highlighting the increasing importance of brand awareness in SEO. Traditional SEO tactics, focused solely on ranking and keywords, are becoming less effective. Instead, SEOs must consider how their efforts align with broader brand marketing strategies to build trust and engagement with their audience. Mordy stressed the need for SEOs to move beyond the technical aspects and start thinking about the overall user experience and brand perception.

The Redirect Podcast · [EP. 75] Exploring SEO As Brand with Mordy Oberstein

Key Takeaways and Highlights

Brand as SEO:

  • The concept of “brand as SEO” suggests that brand visibility is just as crucial as ranking on search engines.
  • SEOs need to integrate brand marketing principles into their strategies to create a cohesive online presence.

AI’s Role in SEO and Brand Marketing:

  • AI has significantly impacted the way content is created and consumed, making it essential for SEOs to adapt.
  • Over-optimizing for search engines can make content seem inauthentic, which can harm brand trust.

User-Centric Approach:

  • Emphasis must be placed on the user and focus around their needs and directives.
  • Understanding the customer journey and creating content that resonates with the audience is paramount.

Balancing SEO and Brand Marketing Efforts

Challenges are ever-present when balancing SEO and brand marketing, particularly in large organizations. Mordy shared insights from his experience at WIX, where he navigates the complexities of aligning SEO strategies with brand marketing goals. Mordy explained that SEOs need to collaborate closely with brand marketers to ensure that content not only ranks well but also builds a positive brand image.

Collaboration is Key:

  • SEOs and brand marketers must work together to create content that meets both ranking and branding goals.
  • Regular communication and understanding each other’s priorities can lead to more effective strategies.

Content with Purpose:

  • Content should serve a dual purpose: driving traffic and enhancing brand perception.
  • SEOs need to be mindful of how their content impacts the overall brand experience.

The Role of SEOs in the Modern Marketing Landscape

The conversation has shifted around the evolving roles of SEOs in the modern marketing landscape. Throughout the discussions, Mordy and Jason agree that SEOs must become more involved in strategic discussions and decision-making processes within their organizations. SEOs have unique insights into user behavior and trends, which can be valuable for shaping broader marketing strategies.

Get Involved Early:

  • SEOs should be involved in the planning stages of website development and marketing campaigns to provide valuable input.
  • Early involvement ensures that SEO considerations are integrated from the start, leading to more cohesive strategies.

Educate and Advocate:

  • SEOs need to educate their colleagues and stakeholders about the importance of SEO and how it intersects with brand marketing.
  • Advocating for SEO at the executive level can help secure the resources and support needed for successful campaigns.

Brand Marketers Should Involve SEOs

In conclusion, the need for SEOs to broaden their focus beyond traditional tactics and embrace a more holistic approach that integrates brand marketing cannot be understated. By doing so, SEOs can help build stronger, more trustworthy brands that resonate with their audiences. As we move into future, the ability to balance SEO and brand marketing will be crucial for success in the digital landscape.

Take Action:

Collaborate with Brand Marketers: Regularly engage with brand marketing teams to align on goals and strategies.

Focus on User Experience: Create content that is not only optimized for search engines but also provides value and resonates with your audience.

Stay Updated on Trends: Keep abreast of the latest trends in SEO and brand marketing to adapt your strategies accordingly.

Measure and Adjust: Continuously monitor the performance of your content and make adjustments to improve both SEO and brand metrics.

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Do you have questions around the involvement of SEO and Brand? Reach out – let’s talk!